
The highly successful series of tri-annual BioTech conferences, inaugurated in 1999, promotes networking between academic and industrial sectors involved in biotechnology research and development. The BioTech 2020 conference is jointly organized by:

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Czech Biotechnology Society
Swiss Biotech Association

Organizing Committee (in alphabetical order)

Head of Organizing Committee: Jan Káš, Czech Biotechnology Society, CZ

Kateřina Bišová, Department of Phototrophic Micoorganisms, CAS, CZ
Pavla Bojarová, Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, CZ
Kateřina Demnerová, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ 
Pavel Dostálek, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Daniel Gygax, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestwern Switzerland, CH
Pavel Kotrba, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ
Jan Lipov, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ
Olga Maťátková, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Leona Paulová, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Petra Patáková, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Dana Pokorná, Czech Biotechnology Society, CZ
Michaela Rollová, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Vojtěch Spiwok, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ
Olga Valentová, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ
Jana Zábranská, Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, UCT Prague, CZ

Conference Partners (in alphabetical order)

Contipro, CZ
daspool, c/o Karin Kovar, Wädenswil, CH
Institute of Biotechnology CAS, CZ
Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, CZ
Photosynthetica, CZ

Scientific Committee (in alphabetical order)

Head of Scientific Committee: Petra Patáková, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ

Michael Altorfer, CEO, Swiss Biotech Association, CH
Wilhelm Ansorge, ETH Lausanne, CH
Edward Bayer, Weizmann Institute of Science, IL
Kateřina Bišová, Department of Phototrophic Micoorganisms, CAS, CZ
Pavla Bojarová, Institute of Microbiology of the CAS, CZ
Tomáš Brányik, Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, CZ
Lenka Burketová, Institute of Experimental Botany, CAS, CZ 
Yusuf Chisti, School of Engineering, Massey University, NZ 
Kateřina Demnerová, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ
Pavel Dostálek, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Peter Dürre, University of Ulm, DE 
Dominik Escher, President of the Swiss Biotech Association, CH
Martin Fusek, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czech Academy od Sciences, CZ
Ivo Frébort, Centre of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research, CZ
Ulf Grawunder, NBE-Therapeutics LTD, CH
Urs Hilber, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Wadenswil, CH 
Tereza Hnátková, Czech University of Life Sciences, CZ
Jan Káš, Czech Biotechnology Society, CZ
Pavel Kotrba, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ
Flavia Marinelli, Department of Biotechnology, University of Insubria, IT
Olga Maťátková, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Pavel Matějka, Rector of UCT Prague, CZ
Karel Melzoch, Department of Biotechnology, UCT Prague, CZ
Jana Pěknicová, Institute of Biotechnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, CZ
Tomáš Ruml, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ
Falko Schlottig, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwesern Switzerland, CH
Diego Schmidhalter, Lonza AG, Visp, CH
Daniela Šmogrovičová, Institute of Biotechnology, STU, SK
Olga Valentová, Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, UCT Prague, CZ



